Always give yourself room for error.
Printed my invitation cards, not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES.
I won't get into why that happened, lets just say that Joyful is NOT spelt Joyfull, size does matter, and borders off center, in short.
So the cards finally arrived yesterday, costing RM1,500 more than originally budgeted due to a 'rushed' job.
But no time to wallow; moving on to more fun stuff!
Am having my final triumph as a 'single lady' on the 24th July in Singapore. Fei Ho and Baba, two of my bridesmaids, are putting together a "Stagette" day, which involves anything between massages, manicures, lots of alcohol and a penthouse suite.
As Paul hasn't informed me who is going to be joining us in Singapore on the 24th any wives / partners / girlfriends / daughters over 18, who will be around then; do drop me an email at :)
So this is the plan,
23rd to Singapore
25th to Bintan
28th morning to KL
28th evening (Andrea has to work :( )
29th evening big steamboat dinner getogether (TBC)
30th and 31st wedding
1st -- Liver function tests at the nearest clinic.
Unfortunately for friends of Paul who may still be, er, eligible; and to all my single male friends coming for the wedding.....
Nadine, this year's Miss Universe Malaysia...

... won't be able to make it.
Nadine will be undergoing training at AsiaWorks (if all goes as planned), and will be in a self-empowerment course over the weekend.
Parkson, our wardrobe sponsor, is throwing her a party on the 28th though -- feel free to drop in. ;)
Up next: the downlow on how Andrea met Paul...
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